Dying, loving

Эмилия Брайант
I'm killing myself again.
I'm dying again for nothing.
I'm dying again loving.
I do not know how to pay.

I again torment myself.
In pieces, with a mute zero ...
But it's clean. Look - no cut. Immortal law.

I do not have for myself
In my head,
You - a lot,
I have no place.

To drive, love?
Leaving, ruining?
Will not work.
I should get out?

And I drink again.
A glass of wine ...
Not finding a place.
Place where I can cry.

How can I be without you?
How with you I?
Muting a little feeling ...
They are only mine.

I'm  not sad. No.
Dying, loving -
Real art is in it.
When it will coming...
