Ruwords game 3апр. в рф ccp-03-04

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'Definitions containing Ruwords game
We've found 245 definitions:

g;m, n. sport of any kind: an exercise or contest for recreation or amusement, esp. athletic contests: the stake in a game: the manner of playing a game: the requisite number of points to be gained to win a game: jest, sport, trick, artifice: any object of pursuit or desire: (Shak.) gallantry: the spoil of the chase: wild animals protected by law and hunted by sportsmen, the flesh of such—hares, pheasants, partridges, grouse, blackcock.—adj. of or belonging to such animals as are hunted as game: plucky, courageous: (slang) having the spirit to do something.—v.i. to gamble.—ns. Game;-bag, a bag for holding a sportsman's game, also the whole amount of game taken at one time; Game;cock, a cock trained to fight; Game;keeper, one who has the care of game.— Game;-laws, laws relating to the protection of certain animals called game.—adv. Gamely.—ns. Game;ness; Game;-preserv;er, one who preserves game on his property for his own sport or profit.—adj. Game;some, playful.—ns. Game;someness, sportiveness: merriment; Game;ster, one viciously addicted to gambling: a gambler; Game;-ten;ant, one who rents the privilege of shooting or fishing over a particular estate or district; Gam;ing, gambling; Gam;ing-house, a gambling-house, a hell; Gam;ing-t;;ble, a table used for gambling.—adj. Gam;y, having the flavour of dead game kept till tainted: (coll.) spirited, plucky.—Big game, the larger animals hunted; Die game, to keep up courage to the last; Make a game of, to play with real energy or skill; Make game of, to make sport of, to ridicule; Red game, the Scotch ptarmigan; Round game, a game, as at cards, in which the number of players is not fixed; The game is not worth the candle (see Candle); The game is up, the game is started: the scheme has failed. [A.S. gamen, play; Ice. gaman, Dan. gammen.]
— Chambers 20th Century Dictionary'

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