My holy poems

Эмилия Брайант
I know the ones poet
I know poetessa
I know that you for head
And mad and the low

I know the one lawyer
Who condemned my poem
Who tore all my cold heart
The End...

I promise I kill him
He looze stinky ginny
He will looks so gorgeous
And scared much well...

It will inspiration
My love and my patience.
My toy, my envention
And then

When I will to kill him
When I make him screaming
He will be a cherry on my cake in cream and
He will be killed
At twelve pm

For twelve months and I can
Cut his body and
His  language and tongue
His hands and foots too then
This hicks will be surprised at ten am

For affront of poem
My poem, gold poem
With my cheapy hand
And then

I promise he'll suffer
He must burn in hell and
He'll answer for timespend

My holy poems
Are created from suffer
I promise, I promise
He must burn in hell.

I know the one lawyer
Who condemned my poem
Who tore all my cold heart
The End...
