
Мария Миг
I tend to read into things
When they are not there.
And you  don't like that.
We always argue about
What's right , what's wrong
When we should just talk.
I am an idiot,
Simply bad and all.
I may not know everything
But one I know for sure -
I love you, us together.
I'm fighting every day with an inner person
I have.
I want to be better, be worthy
Of your love, of you.
You are all I have left,
And that's not a cliche at all.
I've lost my friends, my home.
And you came into my life.
You are the light that's guiding me
To place where I can be
A nicer version of who I am.
I know I can.
But am I strong enough?
You always said I was.
And I believed you, love.
I wish you were here today.
I wish you were with me...