Messi Goal

Песни Ивана Смирнова
 1. She's the most beautiful girl.
   You know, she could take over the world.
   And so could I... but I put it on hold
   to play this game now...
   So I come up, I get her a drink.
   She's on the phone, not even a wink.
   I'm getting anxious, I'm on the brink
   And then she turns around and says,
  Hi ! I think I saw you somewhere, may be playing soccer.
And I say, Hi! I think I recognize you from before...

Chorus: Remember those hot red sunny days,
The dance of the sunset on your face!
You said we were awesome like a Messi goal.
With the heart so red hot, red hot, how could you be so cold?
With the heart so red hot, red hot...

1. Yeah I almost gave it away,
Gotta keep my demons at bay.
It's like a red card during the game
You've got to move on.

So I decide to give her a pass,
'What do you think? Who won and who lost?
'I know you scored,' She smiled at last,
'But just a single one!'
I'm like, 'Right!
Is that the only goal that you remember, girl, now?
And she's like, 'Right! I guess you've got to finally hear the truth!


3. Hold on! We both know now,
We have never ever stopped.
Hold on! The goal is scored now.
It's time to win this Cup and hold it high! High!
