I feel the calmness of the woods 27. 07. 2017

Баяр Сергебаев
I feel the calmness of the woods,
I hear the singing of the wind.
This song of everlasting roots -
It always echoes in the green!

There is green freshness in the air:
So calm and soothing it appears!
Maybe I'll find it once... somewhere
Without dropping happy tears.

Green leaves are talking to each other
With smiles gleaming in the sun!
They always thank the greatest Father
For Life that will forever run!

Tall trees stay still with branches waving -
Like children stretching their hands!
Unknown beauty is worth saving
Even in these forgotten lands!

I feel some sadness in the air.
The woods are frozen in my glance!
I hope to find this sight elsewhere
With peace and calmness I felt once.

12:50   27.07.2017