The love s navigation

Замир Осоров
My soul has moved to you on autopilot of love, 
as a galactic drifted toward another one
across the great distance and eon of time
the science explained it by Dark Matter and Dark Energy  coalesce   
these invisible and undetectable forces of our Universe   
which setting up all backbone of Universe and all its moves.
Nay, that is just manifestation of inner much greater power and its consequences,
for we are primarily wedded and joined  together
with the tremendous forces of love  and power of attraction
in the world of highest energies and multy-dimensions
which once have exploded  and expanded out into our reality,
spreading out with the born stars and constellations.

But our love survived Big Bang
going through all unstable conditions of high  energy
through deeply coerced drifts and multiple tracks of  space and times
and searching out all these billions years  the precious clue 

Yes, love is the mystery of Dark Matter and Dark Energy
and answer for question of origin of life and all other great secrets for sure. 

Its easy to get it into the mood of evolution
and expanding universe from the beginning
into the nature of this strongest immortal desire and impetus
to find again what had been lost and vanished
in catastrophe or quarrel of great scale or Dearth,      

Yes, undoubtedly we had been together primarily
long ago united and untangled tightly with our souls and hearts
and it’s only the matter of precisely working laws
and times and spaces and stars staffs evolutions 
when once our lives will joined together again
as the long waiting meeting and triumph of love 
Love has explained, why we so magnetized by other one
and get into the nature of our universe, its origin, cause and effects and future. 