The orgasm of Mermaid

Замир Осоров
It's extremely noisy, strong and fantastic
reaction of beautiful shining body
stretched on bed,
with sirena''s cherished crying
and deep shakings and revelations,
she lost herself completely and forever.
I thought she will be to ready
to destroy the big house, get to crumble
and into havos all neighborhood and whole town
and shocked many villagers and their dogs, hens and cows in countryside
which never heard such strange and awful phenomena of nature,
only YssuK-Kul with gusty wind and rain
assisting and camouflaging our crime.

But o wonder! She keeps carefully herself for me
as a perfect thunderstorm
showing astonishing respect
in such extremely situation
without any attempt to beat, bite and nail me
and do other harmful things to my body and soul,
when I embraced this marvelous agony of love,
this strongest attraction sea - to land, heaven - to earth, god - to human,
and covered her convulsed body with kisses
as if I hold all wild forces of Universe,
and she gradually come down to herself
as exhausted Baltic sea after night’s storm,
and smiles and kisses and hugs me rest of night.

What is the wonderful thing in Nature played
which sexology of HD called as orgasm of Mermaid!