Be drowned in love

Замир Осоров
There is no me anymore, 
only you with me in my dreams and out of them
in my imagination, in kitchen and in my prosaic existence,
me around you, behind and ahead, prepared for you,
wearing on you, inhabited you, deepening into you,
me, who lives in your past, present and future
me, who unfolds and selects yours superposition’s multiplicities, 
me, who lives in the sea of yours love, hugs and kisses,
me, who discovers the marvelous and precious parts of yours macro and microcosm,
yours continents, islands, seas and vast oceans and precincts
of yours body, soul, mind, instincts, common sense and superstitions,
there is no me anymore
my Mermaid carried down me and drowning
into utterly new realm and hearts and soul universe and ecosystem.