The love of highest frequencies

Замир Осоров
(Or sending from our not born golden child)

The love that descended from heaven
has to healed me,
refreshed my body and soul,
repairing deteriorated DNC.
This is the love of highest frequencies
that was born with the beginning of our Universe.

The perfect doctor, prophet and recover
for my exhausted life and destine.

Of course, it sent to us
from our much more wise and foreseen future,
from our not born baby, the golden child
that you had seen in dream many years ago.
Even if we lost chance to born this wonder in our run out existence
but this marvel lives in other parallel univerces
and loves us  - our parent in Superposition.
sending the great love’s
highest frequencies
that healed us and make more happy,
which originated from the beginning of this 14 billion years longed cosmic extension.