Pushkin s Fatherly Voice

Елизавета Судьина
He's like the sun without clouds,
The sun is smiling all the time,
Caresses every blade and heartache
And makes you feel warmth in your blood.

He's like the sun - wise and eternal,
Without shadow or a blade,
May be he had faults as a person
But all his poems are saint.

I hear his voice - the voice of Father,
Although he was young merry man,
He knows everything what happens
Inside of all the souls and minds.

He should be read with smile and laughter,
With humor, hopeful irony,
Like all-forgiving and all-loving
And all-embracing by iamb rhythm.

After you've read him - you keep silence,
As if you saw God Face to Face,
Or as the Jewish say 'Shamati' -
Just heard His voice in world's dark place.

It is the magic of God's Light
that lightly flows in his words.
If you are dead - you come to life
as if returning from long shock.