Keira Knightly

Ìèëà Àëüïåð
March 26th - Keira Knightly’s birthday.

Keira Knightly – well-known, gifted actress of English descent,
Who has consistently aims to achieve, invent self & re-invent.
Keira succeeded with her acting in film as well as on television,
Pursuing her predetermined calling, fulfilling dream, ambition.

Knightly is multifaceted professional exuding acting versatility.
Her talent, mastery has a domestic and international mobility.
Whether at home or overseas, she strives, thrives & succeeds.
Keira takes charge of her career growth, achievements, leads.

Romantic comedy or drama, psychological thriller & film noir…
Knightly tends to expand film genres and characters reservoir.
Historical & biographical action, dark comedy & science fiction…
All parts she takes upon portrayal, she gets praise, recognition.

On March 26th is Keira Christina Knightly’s birthday celebration.
May you be filled with happiness, love, vigor, joy & inspiration!
Wishing you to enjoy your journey, fulfilling your career quest!
May you be blessed while in successful pursuit of your life path!

Copyright©2016 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet