Jeff Bridges

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December 4th – Jeff Bridges’ birthday.

Jeff Bridges – a talented singer, composer, actor, producer,
His versatility, willpower, creativity, courage effective user.
Well manifested is Jeff’s drive, persistence & determination,
Which paid off with recognition, praise & fans appreciation.

Jagged Edge, True Grit, The Fisher King, The Giver, Iron Man,
The Big Lebowski, Tron: Legacy, The Contender & Starman…
In thriller, crime drama, romantic comedy he shows quality,
Which helped him gained his worldwide success, popularity.

An Oscar’s winner for fine performance in the Crazy Heart,
Jeff executes his flawless acting mastery, state-of-the-art.
His passion, discipline in everything he’s done – immense.
Jeff’s loved and respected by his colleagues, friends & fans.

On December 4th falls Jeff Leon Bridges’ birthday celebration.
Wishing you happiness, good health, harmony & inspiration.
You have fulfilled a predetermined calling for performing arts.
Thank you for your creative & charity efforts from our hearts.

Copyright©2016 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet