
And I'm 28 years old today
And 28 since the beginning of the world
I'm calling my friends and enemies to the party
To my apartment, very modest indeed for a God

I know that today during this banquet
My guests will have their joys
And I know that today I will die,
To be reborn again (even if it sounds so trivial in speaking)

And my wife is not aware of anything,
She pats the gentle swell of her belly where our future son will grow and emerge;
I meet my Brother with my eyes
To wink at him "Yes, I will be ready to leave"

I want to escape from this vanity
I'm both too young and too old, believe me, oh my enemies.
I wonder who would ever order the hanging of all these flower garlands here,
Flowers that pour out only the scents of Death?..

I ruled as a King, wanting simply to live,
I've been teaching people, inventing the Faith,
My Brother, you are right: I must leave,
I, Un-Nefer, the one who is pale as eternity itself.

Everything is vanity; I'm 28 today,
I know, that Death is here in her unfading Bliss,
And I know that Set is already wandering among my guests
With the ornate coffin, which is his gift for me.

© In-Taier, 04.02.2003 -- translated into english 24.01.2016
Russian original: http://www.stihi.ru/2016/02/11/11625