Annie Lennox

Мила Альпер
December 25th - Annie Lennox’ birthday.

Annie Lennox – bright, talented performer of Scottish descent.
Writing & singing songs often perceived by fans as an event.
Adult contemporary, rock, R&B, jazz, new wave, soul & pop,
She integrates various genres, which she would never stop.

Amazing creativity, voice timbre, strength & profound depth
Allow Annie implement her music versatility & talent wealth.
Commercial & critical success, acclaim, recognition & praise -
Lennox’ reward for her sophistication we all tend to embrace   

In an addition to music, Lennox advocates for people in need
For social equality & political matters, she knows how to lead.
Annie devotes self, invests her efforts in philanthropy, charity.
This combination appears not so frequently, rather is a rarity.

December 25th - birthday of Annie Lennox, wishing you all best.
May you continue to enjoy creative journey, fulfilling own quest.
Please carry on your talent, courage, willpower, determination,
As fans express to you today their love, respect & appreciation.

Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet