404 Go on! 26. 11. 2015

Баяр Сергебаев
/ Error 404... Not Found /

Move on!
Come on!

On! On! On!

Come up!
Head's up!

Up! Up! Up!

Dream on!
Keep on!

On... On? On!

/ Throw away that phone!
Cause the number is wrong! /

So here you are!
And here you go!
So strange and so bizarre...
You were... so long ago!

And yet... is there hope?
And still... is there faith?
Or...maybe only dope...?
Maybe you're just a wraith?

Maybe... will be... or just was?

Count to ten!
And open your eyes!
Take a pencil or a pen
And write all the sighs!

Or draw them if you can...

Catch a glimpse of light!
Under that heavy shadow...
It's going so tight
With the Heaven's Meadow!

But... You just go on!

/ Because there is a plan for everyone /

01:04  26.11.2015