The Great Pumpkin and Sulayman-Too

Замир Осоров
The Great Pumpkin flying in the sky
and axe-like Sulayman-Too fixed in the Earth
but face up to the cosmos with the passion
right in the center of Osh, the ancient town of Central Asia.

Of course these two massively ogres and stones   
revealed us the ancient love story,
they take appointment once in 40 years,
when lady asteroid returned from far journey
tempting the holy object with own forms and dance
and inviting him for the far distance.
But our Sulayman-Too, wise, prudent and stable 
even if he looked as war axe,
he never go up to walk in heaven.
But I am afraid that the lady Pumpkinnes
come down her in the next meeting, o yes
after 40 or 80 years.
Keep the distance, please,
for the first time in my life
I am horrified from such prediction.
even if you both so fitted and cohesive
and created for love great and majestic   
keep the distance and ancient edict
Lady Pumpkin and Sulayman-Too,
until Eternity will not bear own verdict 
upon yours love, Human future
and billion others hopes and  intentions too
teeming around,  up and down
inside and outside,
flying in space and  trapped in stones,
everywhere and forever depicting
the same heartfell and stunning  love-stories.