The view of ordinary Muslim s fanatic toward EU

Замир Осоров
Take a good look for the best country in EU
like Sweden or Norway
ask and demand loudly for you 
the free ticket to train going there.
When you arrived to Oslo
demand desperately and utterly
the best conditions, tenants, hotels  and flats,
Be brave everywhere
if you find yourself inside Schengen area, 
break bravely into someone’s lovely grown  garden and well managed house,
replace the husband too if his wife look pretty,
cover her with hijab and learn  to be a good and patient woman. 
Be brave -  you are going along the right trek.
Never forget that Europe is a dying continent, heck
inhabited by impotent men, stupid women and gays and lesbians
never forget that you come here
for inherited their richness and lands and all other values.
Remember it’s not our culture and religion sinking down
its European civilization and stupid Democracy wiped out
according with will of Allah and eternal justice.