When come the end of the queue for us

Çàìèð Îñîðîâ
Of course the major warp of immigrants
are really run from  war and  bloodsheds and violences,
but many look as adventurers not as unhappy  refujers,
very imposing  and strange
some very curious, fanny  and cynical
and played before cam of BBC as clown -
we get chance to get in Europe…
where here liberty?
we have not seen any stature here,
I don’t know such thing?
and look I was kicked off in this country
and some blood dropped from my nose
in the morning,
when I  try to embarking to  train
going toward Germany.
Were is the Democracy?
I want  the  nice blonde girl for me…

This fat gay bring only deep problems for the Europe
who didn’t look as the immigrant and whom
who suffered from war and poverty -
he looks much  like  as a potencially  criminal
who freely  entering and penetrating to Europe,
also he  remained  the hidden  agent of  ISIS
who run out from  Syria
not for the  peace and not for the blonde girl
but for  war  and  preparing terracts in future.

I just asking some questions:
who will save Europe from such insurgents
in the crowd of such big numbet of immigrants
when no one asking any kind of registration
and all gates open?
maybe it also the plan
of the world’s khalifates lieders
with such way
fighting with Europe and West
inside of continent?

Maybe it’s just my jealous
for the happy wave of people from Middle East and Africa
that moved massively to Europe
as never have been in history?

I have lived so far from EU
and cannot join to that caravan
of the lacky  countries and nations
that surrounding and blocking this continent.

When come the end of the queue for  remote countries?
We have  wanted  also  joining  to mother Europe,
not for our safety  but  to help  her and protect  from some strange and oddly looking  insurgents.