Ode to England

Замир Осоров
England, my dear England,
you  more and more
looking as giant Noah Arch
in North sea swamping -
how Ms. Alex Salmond
do not undestand it
so strange and stubborn?

When  thousands migrants
legal and illegal
from Mideterrian
going there
and million others
who have not sea
which locked so unhappily
by the great deserts, steppes and mountain of Asia
dreamed and planned the same things –
how to swim, ran, ride, fly
transmit  or even transplantate
to the dear isles.

As the richest  Russian oligarchs
and oil magnates and  Arabs sheiks
arrive to Britain with yachts, football clubs and ancient castles
bought  for stealing money
so the other societies and folks
less lucky but in much great  number
belegered England
on the ships, boats, old cars, and  horsebacks
or just on  bare feet, climbing and crawling
so eager  to reach British shores, lagoons and docks
as to the long dreaming Ark of Noah
which  itself  sinking
from global warming
to the 2 millimeters  every year.

Even the cultural values, historic precious and rarities
the bones of millions years hunting and rumbling
mastodons and dinosaurs extincted
attracted strongly by UK
trying register of and find comfort rest
in its museum, libraries and exhibitions

England, my dear England,
until you drown down completely
in Atlantic ocean
it would be very prudent
if all Asian people,  states and nations
confirmed the invincible and eternal  power
of British corona and empire
and  helped  to  restore their legacy.

Let all the world
find comfort and redemption
under the  nice umbrella
of queen of Great Britain.

It seems we have not any other way
to stop mass migration and Exodus
of unhappy and suffered nations  worldwide
turning and inspiring  so eagerly
 with you, my dear England.
