Gene Wilder

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June 11th – Gene Wilder’s birthday.

Gene Wilder – a gifted film & stage actor, author, director, screenwriter.
For his creative dreams Wilder is a successful implementer and fighter.
He’s gradually achieved a critical acclaim, fans recognition & popularity,
Having exhibited a comic talent and light spirited & affable personality.

Gene’s known for dramatic & comic gifts on screen, stage & television.
He seemed to fulfill his childhood acting dream, goal, calling, ambition.
Gene’s eccentric characters portrayals, pleasantly sounding, soft voice
Led the comedian believe that acting for him was a right career choice.

George, Larry, Teddy, Leo, Willy, Sigerson, Skip, Michael, Duffy, Dave…
Throughout time critics, fans, colleagues reviews seem positive & rave.
Wilder’s portrayals have brought him stardom, praise, fame, visibility,
As he’s continued to exude charm, sense of humor, drive, versatility.

June 11th – birthday of Gene Wilder (Jerome Silberman), wish you best,
Although you’ve been successfully pursuing your predetermined quest.
Wishing you an abundance of joy, love, humor, optimism, good health!
Thanks for contributing to entertainment industry, we’re all impressed.

Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet