Human being shell sleep no more

Замир Осоров
Human being shell sleep no more,
Lubits has murdered our sleep forever

Right up we must get to the hard truth
and not blind out the fact
that our wisdom and common sense
should not have been overestimated more
in certain crucial circumstances
when we  have got  access  even for instance
 to the limitless power and possibilities,
as it happened in French Alpes,
when Lubits tempted deadly by the very thought and way
that he will might turn airbus to the crash
for instance filling the God legacy and omnipotence. 
Entirely all deals and events
which demanded limitless power and responsibility,
limitless calculations,
limitless competence and preciseness 
and limitless hard works and efforts
might be totally excluded
from our control and assessment,
we might got all this staff
to the autopilot guiding
of modern technologies, GPS  and other computations
that works  much more  better
without any human intervention
for the very working processes.

 Mr. Al Gore knew something about it
when he  planned the Global  system
of autopilot security services.
for the benefits and survive  people
in the modern jungle of high tech.

You judge the Lubits atrocious action
which lead to murder of 150 passengers,
yes, you are right but also we must judge
the Sirian dictator and North Korean Kim Chen Yn
and national lieder of Russian Federation 
and hundredth other persons
sticking up deadly to limitless power and rule,
we must judge also religions, traditions
which despised the freedom of person
and right of women and children
and entire world must switch on
to the Global safety infrosracture.
Human shall sleep no more,
Lubits has murdered our sleep.
If someone held limitless power
even for instance
close to us or at far distance,
its mean the world goes down to precipice.
God please help us
expelled out and ousted
the myriads  our tirans and autocrats 
in power and in preparation, in family
in our soul and  in our mentality.   
Human being shell sleep no more,
Lubits has murdered our sleep forever.