Sparticles of peace, love and eternity

Замир Осоров
 (extract from "Eleanor Rigby II")

Please, dance with the democratic values
as often as possible,
play with them,
imitate and love
the countries with  staunch and stable democratic institutions,
stick tightly to them,
entreating  them to be with you  or even cry out
if democraty don’t undestand you,
be strong and mersyles with the any attempt and trend
toward dictatorship and violence
but be limitless  merciful and careful with  the democracy,
which often  acted against herself,
if you want establish the real safety
and prosperity for your country and children
you must deeply respect and love this strange woman.
Don’t believe for any other sort and kind of ideologies and state structure,
especially elude  religious believers and claims  and so called
founder of sovereign models of democracy,
which only camouflaged   the  most hideous and atrocious intend and content
of corruptive comrades, terrorists and bandits and maniacs.
Play with crystal-clear and marvelously pure and fresh
water of  democracy
constantly reviving and refreshing
milk of honesty, justice and peace and prosperity.

Play with marvelous sparticles
going as deep as possible
to that misterious  game in  family,
in love, in police
in local level 
and in entire community and worldwide,
universe itself has  born and grown with  her dance and sparklings.