Doris Day

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April 3rd – Doris Day’s birthday.

Doris Day is a talented singer and actress - true Hollywood star.
Determined, driven and courageous, she reached her lucky star.
Her vibrant musicals became American and worldwide treasure,
Providing audience with joy, excitement, inspiration & pleasure.

Day has successfully worked on big screen, radio and television.
In any genre she’s performed, he comic timing’s with precision.
Doris has been gifted, skilled in a romantic comedy, thriller/noir.
Vast and innovative has been her talents and abilities reservoir.

What has particularly outstood is her vocal skill, talent & ability,
As she’s continued to implement Doris’ phenomenal versatility.
Vivacious, charming & ambitious with a “girl-next-door” appeal,
Day’s been contagious in spreading fun, joy, laughter and thrill.
On April 3rd is Doris Day’s special day – her birthday celebration.
Today we are expressing you our love, respect and appreciation.
Thank you for contributing to entertainment industry, our Dear.
You have fulfilled your dream & not allowed anyone to interfere. 

Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet