Burt Reynolds

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February 11th – Burt Reynolds’ birthday.

Burt Reynolds – a talented director, actor and producer.
He’s of his multifaceted & versatile persona introducer.
Burt’s worked in film & on television, gaining popularity.
Distinctive, visible & likable are his looks & individuality.

Reynolds played parts in western films, comedy & spy.
He’s never hesitated taking on new projects & just try.
Burt has portrayed many characters who tend to rebel.
His screen performances have been received very well.

Reynolds’ good looking, handsome, sexy and charming,
Which made his audience mesmerizing and disarming.
He manifests persistence, optimism and determination,
Courage, responsibility, talent for acting  and passion.

February 11th is birthday of Burt Reynolds - all the best
In life, including happiness, fulfillment and good health!
May life be fair, as you deserved recognition & acclaim   
For contribution to film industry, eternal is your fame.

Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet