Gwen Stefani

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October 3rd – Gwen Stefani’s birthday.

Gwen Stefani – a gifted actress, fashion designer, songwriter, singer.
Once having started in entertainment industry, she chose to linger.
Gwen has succeeded and prevailed, continuing to advance, evolve.
Her fans express their appreciation for gift & art, respect and love.

Stefani, a winner of three Grammys, conveys will & determination.
She’s driven by her vision, creative freedom, courage & inspiration.
Gwen has exhibited devotion to true calling, ambition and passion.
She gets from music her rewards, empowerment and satisfaction.

Stefani’s vibrato voice is full of strength, depth, vigor and versatility.
In pop, electropop, R&B, hip hop, dance-punk she shows reliability.
Gwen’s stage performances are sexy, mischievous, daring and bold.
She’s earned her popularity, acclaim, recognition all over the world.

October 3rd – birthday of Gwen Stefani, bright & unique personality,
Who has retained enthusiasm, professional vitality and originality.
We wish you, Gwen, be who you are, pursue what you feel right.
Please don’t vanish from music world, please don’t get out of sight.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet