The tengrian praying at sunrise

Замир Осоров
For the 80 million Kyrgyz’s people
that had lived ever before
since the beginning of life,
and for the 6 million who are living now in our land,
for the immense number of others our relatives
who continued lived, gave the birth to many great  nations and countries
in Asia, Europe, America  and others continents,
who had been happily dispersed or severely and cruelly assimilated by others cultures, ideologies, and identities,
in any case, our offsprings have been  widely  distributed and dispersed and not vanished at all,
they are all  bearing  the ancient Kyrgyz immortal's  genes of  their great forefathers,
who once upon a time in the past millenniums  ruled by most part of this world
and had been very prosperous, influential, smart and inventive. 

So I turn to all of you -  living and lived on our planet -
as to my close relatives, forefathers, cousins who survived and lived in glory, pride, and victory
or existed in declining and depressed progressively states
in various corners of this Globe,

I turn to all of us -
rise up, activate and come to help us
as for your fathers or your children  that now so hardly survived
in small part left from our great empire,
please,  help  to save Kyrgyzstan,
protect its independence.

We know  that most part  of the world
originated from our great forefathers,
many of them announced now
as our enemies,

please, open their eyes
let our ancient powerful and strong  relates
and their offspring’s
awoke and coming to help us
and stopped  venturing openly and secretly
war and genocidal long-term pressure
for  our  country and freedom,
have the lead for systematically diminishing and weakening
our small nation
and downgrade our  mentality and state,
who had been  once the greatest
and most influential
in past centuries. 

Let our sons among the leaders of China.
Israel and Arabia
Russia, the US, West Europe, Japan, India, Brazil and Australia
coming to help us and our freedom and independence,
let most successful and richest persons  worldwide
starting to invest in our freedom, educations, and independence -
not for increasing our slavery, stupidity, self-humiliation,
and nurturing a new modern form of colonization
through massively bribery of our leaders and watering the flourishing corruption.

O great Tengir, who lives everywhere and forever,
help to rise up, revolt the eternal greatness and immortal power of Tengir-Too!