Olivia Newton-John

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September 26th – Olivia Newton-John’s birthday.

Olivia Newton-John – a gifted actress, songwriter, singer, activist.
Having experienced life challenges she has remained an optimist.
Olivia’s continued to pursue professional endeavors and charity,
Conveying her loving, caring, giving, compassionate personality.

Olivia exhibits vocal talent, which landed her four Grammy awards.
In pop, contemporary, country, soft rock genres success she holds.
She’s never limited herself, exposing to the world much versatility
Along with will, enthusiasm, determination & inventive capability.

Ms. Newton-John has generated fans base worldwide, popularity.
She’s been recognized as a multifaceted persona and individuality.
Olivia never gave up her predetermined calling, dream, ambition.
She utilized her gifts & skills on concert stages, clubs & television.

What outstands to audience - song lyrics, music & Olivia’s appeal.
At various life stages, she seemed as angel, others – as sexy thrill.
Newton-John’s image has brought reinvention or transformation.
Her fans & colleagues have expressed acclaim, praise, admiration.

September 26th – birthday of Olivia Newton-John, be happy ever.
Please don’t give up each of your vocal, acting, comedic endeavor.
Exuding beauty, glamor, vigor, inner strength, love, faith & passion,
Your contribution to entertainment deserves respect, appreciation.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet