The Rainfelden s motorway

Замир Осоров
The motorway
hidden by nice garden of Alison
and excellent forest growing behind them,
sounding like a mountain river.

O yes,
that is a river of life
the most advanced and equipped one
going through
wealthiest area of West
Day by night
the rich and happy
citizens of United Europe
moved to and fro
on their luxurious cars
along the high speed and dense motorway
from France to Italy,
from Germany to Spain.

O dear little Rainfelden,
where I found out
the keys for many deep secrets
of Mankind,
understanding abruptly
why Swiss confederation
survived in centuries
while innumerous others
vanished in various epochs.

O, yes, that is result
of strong love, hard works
and inventive collaboration
every citizen
and whole nation
for harmony and saveness,
eventually created and set
perfect function
of laws, communications,
honed  precise leadership,
which destroyed and expelled
totally from Helvetia
corruption, negligence, treason
as the ancient curse of Mankind
originated from lack of knowledge and courage
and abundant of slavery and  despotia.