Sean Penn

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August 17th - Sean Penn’s birthday.

Sean Penn – a talented screenwriter, Oscar winning actor,
As well as enthusiastic politician, activist and film director.
Penn’s acting performances are of an impeccable quality.
He demonstrates motivation, versatility and universality.

On screen he has conveyed emotional intensity, ambition.
Internalizing & integrating self with character – his mission.
Sean’s grown to level of professionalism, craft & maturity.
In any situation he can discern & utilize given opportunity.

Exploring and delivering roles that differed from ordinary,
Penn’s acting art, mastery is recognized as extraordinary.
He has achieved commercial success and critical acclaim.
Talent, work ethics & strong personality led Sean to fame.

Despite accomplishments, Penn tends to evolve or thrive.
He’s virtuosic & courageous in given parts, eager to strive.
Conveying will & ability to do his best, he acts with passion.
Priceless & undeniable is Sean’s devotion & determination.

August 17th - birthday of Sean Penn, wishing you all the best.
May you explore new territories and fulfill your acting quest.
Wishing you lots of joy, love, happiness, prosperity & health.
Acting for you – true calling, your talents please don’t waste.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet