Brooke Shields

Мила Альпер
May 31st - Brooke Shields’ birthday.

Brooke Shields – a model & actress, who used to be known as a child star.
Her role in Pretty Baby provided setting a professional career ahead or far.
Brooke had matured fast as person and professional, receiving an acclaim.
From youth to adulthood she has established her own popularity or fame.

Shields has utilized, contributed her gifts to theater, movies & television.
She has been persevere and determined fulfilling her dream, goal, vision.
Brooke gradually achieved her acting competence and gained recognition.
She has successfully pursued her calling, never regretting earlier decision.

For being animal rights activist, vegan & fitness promoter she has passion.
Whatever Shields involves herself in, she’s proud of, receives satisfaction.
She’s optimistic, willed, courageous, enthusiastic, never gives up & dares.
Brooke tends to conquer challenges, being successful in most endeavors.

May 31st - birthday of Brooke Shields, we wish you everything that’s best.
May you continue your chosen journey, fulfilling further dreams & quests.
May life for you be filled with happiness, joy, health, surprises, inspiration!
Your audience and fans today & always express to you their appreciation.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper