Gene Hackman

Мила Альпер
January 30th - Gene Hackman’s birthday.

Gene Hackman – a talented, professional actor and author, novelist.
He’s hard working, persevere, willed, courageous person & optimist.
Throughout his career, Gene has received 2 Oscars and other awards.
Fulfilling his potential, sharing talent with audience is his best rewards.

Hackman portrayed many characters & outstood in French Connection.
He has manifested a comic and dramatic gift along with improvisation.
Gene gained his acting confidence over the years, reaching his finesse.
He’s gradually honed his skills and moved to advance, evolve, progress.

He tried such genres as horror, thriller, crime film, comedy and drama,
Unfolding and enriching his artistic spectrum and cinematic panorama.
Hackman has equally succeeded in playing leading and supporting roles.
His craft and versatility is vivid, his acting - impeccable and free of flaws.

January 30th - birthday of Gene Hackman, we wish you all of our best.
May you be showered with happiness, joy, harmony and fair health!
A living legend, you deserved & earned respect, acclaim, recognition.
You are a great example for people how to pursue a dream, ambition.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

*  Photo is from the Internet