The Bright star

Замир Осоров
My favorite star
on the darkest sky.
Your light is coming to me
throught abrest of times
and cold distances,
measured by milleniums
of light years travell.
Yes, what is have seen right now
and inspared me
had belonged to ancian times,
when lived Ramses and Nefertary.

But why the star
so impressed me
and I am not beliving
that what I have seen and felt
came to me from dead fares?

Becouse love as a thought
break out all the basic phisic laws,
she has primerily occupaed all
around us,
even was born with uneverse
from hottest point.
So our feels move instantly
and don't respect the dictats of time and distance.

That's why
when I look for you
my heart know you feel me
that I love you
right now.