The starry night with the Richard Dawkins

Замир Осоров

Look to that starry night, Begaly,
and Milky Way embrasing our world,
you can not find nowhere any evidence
of existing God as creator, really.
All Universe
quite measureless
in micro and macro level
born, diverged and going to its end
according with the laws of nature
and own unreachable constitution
with precisely tuned physical constants.

I am so hoped for Christ
and put all my soul into astonishing religious,
that created, prepared and covered all matters so amazingly,
but that also lead us away from truth and reality.

I have run from Communism ideology and atheism,
despite of great achievement of godless  empire,
and come to Islam after breaking USSR
as for  tradition belief of my forefathers.

And soon run from Islam,
opening through Internet and English
the marvel and great depth of Christianity.

But now I ran from Crist and God 
and come back again to atheism,
to the brilliant starry night
respecting and understanding deep all religious
but believe just for stories
supported by science and truth
as this astonishing universe,
tuned with natural laws
and nothing more else.

Maybe have existed supernatural power
who created some or other part of this universe,
but he, seems, also ran away
left us with that starry night
and precisely tuned world.
What also need for us?
Thanks very much for that
if highest intellect really exists
or existed 
sometime long ago
but now ran away
or completely forgot us
and no want  hear about us more
for our sake, advantage  and fast rise.   

What about tell us
this excellent starry night
of Richard Dawkins?
Love and respect each other’s
and do the same for science
as for poetry of reality
and fast to live, love and understand
your environment
and do not keep faith
without reason and evidence,
escape from various kind 
of fanatism, lies and rootles belief.