What there is a Love?

Алекс Айкенди
There is a set of things which people call Love. But illusions have to be destroyed. For example – very often communication/proximity/sex with the suitable person can bring so many pleasant feelings that it can be taken for Love.
But – pleasure by own feelings isn't Love, it is a mistake. Difficultly to see the truth, to reconcile it even more difficultly. But this work will be made anyway.
Many people carry out all life in deception, calling Love the simple pleasure. It comes to an end at that moment when they take an evolution way. The only way to continue to live in such illusion – conscious cool deception.
Have courage to tell – "I don't love you. Your society and those feelings with which you fill my life is simply pleasant to me. If to you it enough – it is fine, but know that I have no deep feelings to you, I am simply heated near your fire. And nothing will hold me when it will go out."