Donna Summer

Мила Альпер
December 31st – Donna Summer’s birthday.  In 2013 there is 65 years since she was born.

Donna Summer, a talented songwriter and singer, was a true disco queen.
Her drive, persistence, will, determination were clearly & evidently seen.
Summer was versatile in genres – rock, gospel, R&B, jazz, pop and dance.
Took charge of her artistic journey, engaging in any opportunity or chance.

Donna was an empowering female performer with a natural strong voice.
Since being young she had pursued her passion, making her career choice.
Summer was loving, likable, fun, friendly, brave, daring and inspirational.
Her recognition, praise, acclaim, admiration was domestic & international.

Summer – beautiful, sexy, appealing woman conveying vigor and sexuality.
She had integrated her looks into stage image, paired with gift of musicality.
“The Queen of Disco” was called “Sex Goddess,” star, diva in her own right.
Donna skyrocketed to superstardom, reaching her dream - a highest height.

December 31st – birthday of Donna Summer, the most legendary entertainer.
A multi-talented persona gained popularity no less than Madonna & Gaynor.
Donna exhibited as persevere, sharp, successful, ambitious, courageous, bold.
We think of her today & always, valuing her contribution to the music world.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet