Visit to Pompeii авторский перевод

Юнона Таранова
Русский вариант здесь:

-I visited  Pompeii...



A Cypress -

Peaceful  and

Heart-lighted -

Was whispering  and mumbling...

Guides  around.

Placidity and



Of  famous  Volcano

Delightfully  landscaped...

So strange...

From the museum's  glass -


Sparks of the Sun

and  -


All  are bold,

No cloth. remained...

Oh, poses,  poses! -

The frozen  scream

With silence saturate!..

So strange!...

Those people - no pretense:

Their souls 

Speak through...


Mother holds her child -

So helpless to defend...

And  lovers...

Their  kiss... too hot to bear!..


To gods?

Sooo strange....

It 's not a  cemetery...

Not  quite a  museum.

Eternal questions

Almost visible  abreast.

No answers..

Not at all.

The dead united

With  the  living.

United by the...  talk.

They are like us:

Both  - folks and dogs...

You name it.

They had to take

The horror as fate.

They're... like us.

At Chernobyl...

Twin Towers...

And Fukushima ...

But all they

Dropped pass through

The centuries ...

Oh, no!

Millenniums already...

They were destined

To bringing message.


Strange, but true...

-What was their message?


From the heart:

They are like us....

The  moment set apart.