The micro world of macro love

Замир Осоров
I wanna hiding  with you and escape
from this moody realm  in bathyscaphe
that  made from one pea seed or nutshell,
but inwardly this little chamber
must been craftily and exactly 
prepared as yacht of Abramowitz,
with precious dine room, cupboard, sofa, nice kitchen,
and others fashion  utensils and commodities
protecting gears and comforts setting, -   
have you been happy, satisfied and saluted me,
if we are going to trip and dive in depth of joyce and luxuries
in such excellent solitudes
swimming nowhere and everywhere?

I wanna vanish with you in silk cocoon
of mulberry worm,
have gone forever
from all these problems
and hard solved tasks -
jealous, stupidness, side back glances
from this and others world.

I wanna creating own universe personally,
where all have been simple, the best and informal,
boarding the airbus of hollow bean pod
to fly somewhere
there no one to step before us,
diminishing for the tiniest blade of grass
gone to one dust,
fluctuating in Brown chaos,
wrapped to molecule,
absorbed in the cloudily world of atom.

And even punishment in the electron
flying with great speed and for no one known
place in universe
in every instance,
i am gladly received
as get such life and principle of uncertainty existence,
if only you, my dear, have been happy and satisfied
with me in that extraordinarily environment
in micro world of macro love
living nowhere and everywere.