The Jetim-Too mountain

Замир Осоров
The mountain Jetim-Too
has kept in its sacred depth
enormous quantity
of rich contented iron ores
for the trillion dollars.
Yes it is the proven fact and scientific calculations.
If we were shared this wealth
for every one of 5,5 million Kyrgyzstanians
precisely and equally,
we could transform ourselves
(and God and Nature blessed us)
from country of  total  poverty and miseries
to the nation of millionaires and fantastic welfares.

But its all in theory
and in harsh realiry
our governors and members of Highest Court Trial
bribed for million dollar
by abroad company
prepared to steal
people’s  personal shares
from Jetim-Too ores,
to legitimize  this shameful bargain,
to advertise and show  them
as the greatest achievement
of global market economy
and international cooperation.

So magnificent mountain
pregnant by future millionaires
must be aborted and destroyed
by greedy inward and outward thefts
and if it will happen
in the next or other weekend
according with last sentence of Highest Court
this case will announce around the world
as the greatest trickery
in the modern economic history,
or catapulted mass troubles
and the next revolution or overplot,
save us, great God.