The fishing weather of love

Замир Осоров
O yes, that is fine day
for fishing in mountain river
when weather is bad,
and raining from early gray dawn.
When world look so pity and doleful
maybe for artists and poets
but it so nice for big and hefty fishes.
They are swimming up
from deep and cold bottoms and hidden caves
to surface,
playing on shallows,
sometimes one by one
splashing and jumping out of water stream
close to edge
in clear joy and ecstasy
as if that silvery marvel
mesmerized by suddenly prediction
of next Great Flood,
or time of coming Paradise
when all creatures
will coexisted friendly, peacefully and intermixed
and these asmans and rainbow trouts,
hooked by this dreams,
so naively lullabying
by one unimaginable divine future
where people, animals, birds and fishes
will be always togethers in festivities - singing and dancing
and sitting around one table
for eating food and drinking vine of eternity.
and not ask me how it possible
and what kind of dishes will be served there?

So its seems that all these fishes
have tried to jump up and settle on the benches and wings
of some awesome circling waterwheel,
more grandeur than London’s Eye,
which appeared airy as the vision of some greatest waterfall
joining forever Heaven and Earth,
Seas and Sky
in rainy day.

The skillful fishermen
with the good sense and flyer
for such days and luckiest instances,
they early wake up and go to river,
and soon capture a lot of precious fishes,
that playing so dangerously with own hopes, dreams and ruptures.

Alas, for fishes,
but good for intrinsic and great love
which also has such marvelous days,
when you can reaching your reward,
If you early wake up and prepare himself
for catching precious gold
swimming up from deep and abundant  waters.