The shop of crazy political dolls and our idiosinc

Çàìèð Îñîðîâ

(from novel  “Elinor Rigby”)
Why we have loved England?
Not for the Hide park,
ancient castles
and first class evergreen grasses and pastures,
not for Big Ben, Beatles music and other luxurious,
but for the awkward “puppet theatre”
gamed right on the centre of London,
that horrible and hellish  perfomanses
where deformed bodies and figures
of famous politics, majors, prime–ministers
queen members and other up-to-date authorities.
shown as personages of harshly sardonic drama.

That popular and profitable  business
in Albion – creating and selling monstrous shapes of theirs excellencies
on the open exhibition,

so sharply contrasted with our own preferences
and quite other way of arts perfomanses
practising by our narrow  minded artists
deformed sculptors, wicked painters,
enslaved writers and other arts dicreators
survived by creating innumerous golden statures
of our “purest” top governors, “idyllic”  leaders,
“angel like” thefts, cleptocraties
and others political idolatories
from our autoritarian idiosincrazy.