Robertino Loreti

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October 22nd – Robertino Loreti’s birthday.

Robertino Loreti – a talented opera singer, particularly famous in his teen years.
He doesn’t fear work, has tried different jobs to help his family, he simply dares.
Loreti was discovered by Sonck and Sorensen, who helped him to have big break.
Once in a lifetime opportunity fulfilling his vocal gift, potential he’d utilize or take.

Robertino skyrocketed to fame in North America and Europe receiving recognition.
He traveled frequently performing concerts, fulfilling his dream, destiny, mission.
Loreti has been particularly loved, admired, appreciated in Russia up to nowadays.
He friended with Sinyavskaya, Magomaev, Kobzon, Tereshkova, whom he amazed.

Career of “The Voice of Space” has expedited through performances on television.
He had possessed all that he needed – versatility, drive, perseverance and ambition.
Loreti’s voice flowed beautifully and effortlessly, enchanting many people, nations.
As world discovered him, he had become a youthful, vigorous star, idol, sensation.

October 22nd – birthday of Robertino Loreti, we wish you, Robertino, all the best!
May you continue your creative journey, being happy, healthy, content, blessed!
God gave you an enormous gift, which you have generously shared with the world.
No wonder why the nickname “Golden boy” was given to you and valued as gold.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet