Richard Gere

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August 31st  – Richard Gere’s birthday.

Richard Gere - a talented actor, a gifted musician playing piano, trumpet, bass, guitar.
He writes, performs his music, exuding versatility and earning his status of super star.
He’s played successfully leading and supporting roles, gained reputation of sex symbol.
Gere is a fine professional, portraying various characters that are complex and simple.

Unwilling to be type casted, Richard engaged in comedy, thriller, musical and drama.
He’s gradually evolved, polishing skills, expanding and committing to acting panorama.
Gere’s singing and dancing skills contributed to critical, commercial recognition, praise.
He’s capable impressing audience and colleagues, catching them off guard and amaze.

He is charismatic, masculine, handsome, courageous, charming, willed and persevere.
Gere sets his mind and focuses on projects and films, with which nobody can interfere.
Known for philanthropic efforts, insightful, compassionate, intelligent, kind personality,
Gere’s active in political and social arenas, helping to make peace as part of daily reality.

August 31st  – birthday of Richard Gere, wishing all dreams come true and do your best!
May life bring joy, inspiration, harmony for you to fulfill your spiritual and artistic quest!
Thank you for your unending effort to make this world a better place for the humanity.
You are an example of genuineness, generosity to new generation, valued individuality.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet