Harrison Ford

Мила Альпер
July 13th – Harrison Ford’s birthday.

Harrison Ford – one of the most successful Hollywood actors and producer.
He is of many talents, abilities and skills consistent and conscientious user.
Harrison is intuitive, determined, dedicated, passionate about chosen goals.
Acting has been his true calling, despite all ups and downs, rises and falls.

Harrison’s versatile in many genres he pursued on big screen, succeeding -
Sci-fi, action, romantic comedy, western, whether supporting or leading.
Ford blends with his film characters in that he is intelligent and charming.
He has a strong will and courage that is at times surprising and disarming.

Harrison is content, independent, purposeful, profound, persistent, kind.
He’s been an extraordinary actor, conservationist, persona - one of a kind.
Ford has been recognized, awarded, shown praise, respect, appreciation.
He still evolves as person and professional, following his path, direction.

July 13th – birthday of Harrison Ford, we wish you best from our heart!
You are a phenomenon performing on big screen the state-of-the-art.
For generations you’re an example of determination and universality.
May life be filled with harmony, health, inspiration, peace, spirituality!

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet