Oscar Hammerstein II

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July 12th – Oscar Hammerstein II’s birthday.  In 2013 there is 118 years since he was born.

Oscar Hammerstein II – a genius songwriter, lyricist, librettist, director, producer.
Along with Richard Rogers he had been a new musical theater genre introducer.
The concept they believed in to integrate music into the plot and make a real story.
Although both genuine and modest, they raised to eminence, fame, triumph, glory.

Hammerstein collaborated with Whiting, Rogers, Youmans, Friml, Romberg, Bern.
He was warm hearted and sentimental in his writing, the way he was gifted, born.
Oscar had always longed to make his writing realistic, fond, simple and truthful.
The audience liked and connected to it on a personal level, feeling it deep, useful.

Rogers’ and Hammerstein’s collaboration led to invent a new genre, a musical play,
Through which people’s thoughts, feelings, dreams and challenges were to convey.
The theme of love, romance was crucial and inevitable in their plays – breathtaking,
While underneath success were values, passion, faith, intelligence - true, not faking.

The new genre explored each character, communicating through music, dance, words,
Which had expanded typical format, style, stories itself, and integrated into the plots.
Oscar sincerely shared his talent, deep feelings, warm-heartedness and sentimentality.
He was one of a kind to emphasize love, sense of connectedness, kindness, humanity.

July 12th – birthday of Oscar Hammerstein II, beloved person, professional and friend.
He had been remembered as a musical theater legend able to evolve and transcend.
Oscar was an example of determination, dreams fulfilment, versatility and inspiration.
His talent, discipline, consistent effort, perseverance deserved an honorable mention.

Copyright©2013 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet