Ode to Squid, his blue blood majesty and grace

Замир Осоров
The extraterrestrial guest and sovereign of blue blood
and son of the most reverent ancient tribe and octopus’s cousin,
you have occupied the throne
of the absolute emperor of Earth
from the early Silur,
in your great ocean capital Ur,
where 400 million years ago
your deep waters Edisons had invented and maintained 
the jet propulsion engine technologies.

You have been the perfect creature
from the beginning and the marvel of the universe,
with your timeless shape and rockets way of propulsory, 

you are the worthiest successor
of the dying mankind,
of this trick of nature and instant caprice.

O strange space genic fellow,
you came down to the depth of the ocean
from the far corner of Universe,

among the human and humanoids
who might doubt really
for your right and legitimacy
to the eternal ruling
your majesty of cephalopods
and blue excellences?

You survived through all calamities and crisis
outlived by Earth in its long history
even the fall of the great asteroid,
not touched you on the bottom of the ocean.

Even in case of the worst scenario
if our Globe would have been captured by Black Hole,
the Squid, your majesty, know how to climb out
from that gravitational whirlpool, barrel, and deadliest vortex,
tossing up his long stretching tentacles
with powerful suckers and pointed teeth at the ends
he knows as catch the seismic hubs and anchored successfully them.

So you will able  to encounter and inhabit
step by step
on his supersensitive and sharp legs
captured by Salvador Dali,
the entire universe,
and you immersed much more and deeper 
into secrets and structures of space and time,
than all of our futurists and scientists combined together.

And Mankind from the ancient centuries
has suspected in dreams and nightmares
these creatures
as his own most advanced competitor and successor
who will rise for the ruling by Earth once
on the base his truly right,
the coolest quality of his blue blood,
on the priority of birth, immeasurable history
and testifying by heck a long times.