The power and weakness of poets

Замир Осоров
Why poets  have often met with fiasco
 where pragmatics gained success?

Because poets gone ahead with open hearts
and without any shields attacked the strongest fortress
when needful before
to exclude any risks
being more training and repetitive,
then planned  saying briskly
I love you my mistress
Falcon beat his prey as bullet in heaven
dolphin  beat  fishes with sonar gun.
Only poet along
used very strangely methodologies
beating  himself at first
from  the closest distances
with most sophisticated and cruel weapon
from last generation of technologies,

before one day
would  been selected  and opened his art
for eternal  love and answered
his powerful light radiating from burst heart.

But  when poet decided  fighting  for great  truth
 this aim  was blessed  all risks,

and women of  any times and epoch
much odored the poets fallen in love,
then all others  masters of happiness
supercanning and  skilful at all.