Роберт Фрост Trespass

Роберт Фрост Переводы
Роберт Фрост

Нет, не стоял границы знак,
Да, не огородил земли.
Но здесь земля моя и так:
Права нарушены мои.

Без приглашения он влез
Не ведомый, не званый гость
И занял мой ручей и лес,
С ним день тревог прожить пришлось.

Искал он, может, трилобит,
Книг каменных листы вскрывал,
Давно край ими знаменит,
Но долей там мои права.

Потери пережил бы груз,
Образчик рака в сколе скал,
От небреженья давит грусть,
И взглядом я часы искал.

Но он зашел сказать прости:
Спросил стакан воды, предлог
Пришлось ему изобрести,
Но тем права вернуть мне смог.

Вадим Беляков

 By Robert Frost

No, I had set no prohibiting sign,
And yes, my land was hardly fenced.
Nevertheless the land was mine:
I was being trespassed on and against.

Whoever the surly freedom took
Of such an unaccountable stay
Busying by my woods and brook
Gave me a strangely restless day.

He might be opening leaves of stone,
The picture book of the trilobite,
For which the region round was known,
And in which there was little property right.

'Twas not the value I stood to lose
In specimen crab in specimen rock,
But his ignoring what was whose
That made me look again at the clock.

Then came his little acknowledgement:
He asked for a drink at the kitchen door,
An errand he may have had to invent,
But it made my property mine once more.