Love is Foam

Love  is  Foam, -
A blend of water and soap.
I rub it into my skin
And it finds its road..

It enters my system,
It enters my psyche,
Invisible as a mystery,
I really like it…

I look at my palms,-
Smooth, silky, and clean,-
Only veins and wrinkles,-
Can  now be seen.

Some day I may wonder,-
Is it there as before?
Has it actually vanished
In the maze of my core?

I won’t be concerned,
As I know, it’s hiding, -
Doing it's life-work, -
Ever fresh and exciting,

Taking care of a glass,
That appears half-empty...
This Foam is my Goddess
From sixties  or eighties.

In case, as it happens,
Misfortunes or doubts
Fall into my hands
As heavy clouds,

Foam - my defender-
Wakes up as an army
Of beautiful bubbles,
Protecting the Harmony…

A few of them pop,
A few of them die,
But some are much stronger,
And those survive.

It's now up to me
To replenish this source
Of beauty, vitality,
Softness and force.

I’ll use simple recipe
To recover my Foam:
Adding water and soap
Brings Love into my Home!
