Китайская пытка

Ольга Афонина
На конкурс: http://www.stihi.ru/2012/04/09/5616

Горе жгло и кололо, и вдруг

Проросло сквозь меня, как бамбук.

Память сердца заполнила боль,

Заползла в меня серая моль.

Птицы певчие, вспыхнув, горят

Словно в небе сейчас звездопад.

Кто решил заменить ими пули?

В этой жизни нас всех обманули...


Sara West Fenander

My grief was sharp
Like tongues of fire.
Animal fear, like Chinese torture
Germinated me.
And knowing pain with my heart,
I bowed my head.
And a dry moth
Fell behind my collar.
But birds chirp in the sky, strike
As if they were matches,
And like burning meteorites
The birds burn out.
And birds become lodged in the sky
As if  they were bullets.
When we given this life
We were deceided.